Dear National Construction Council Member,


I wanted to touch base with you as 2023 draws to a close and let you know on behalf of the team at NCC that we’re grateful for your hard work and commitment over the past year.  The skill and dedication that you bring to your craft are helping NCC to bring new employers into the United Brotherhood of Carpenters Canadian District, and that means even more work for you and your fellow members across Canada.

The holiday season is a time to bring our friends and family closer, to appreciate what we have, and to dream and plan for what the next year will bring. 

I’m very proud to let you know that 2024 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for our union, with many significant new projects and employers bringing new work to the NCC and UBC membership.  (You can read about them here).

We’ll also be adding an online “Out of Work List” that will give you access to more timely information about work opportunities than ever before.

Remember to explore the career opportunities available only to members – including the all-expenses-covered sessions at the 1 million square foot UBC International Training Center in Las Vegas.

NCC is proud to provide an excellent benefits package for you and your family, that includes access to financial and mental health resources as well as traditional medical and dental services.  Please remember to keep your membership up to date and your benefits information accurate, especially if you’re off site for a period during December or January and an employer is not remitting on your behalf. This will ensure that your family’s benefits continue uninterrupted during that time.

NCC is walking tall and strong into 2024, and we’re glad you’re with us.

All the best to you and yours during this holiday season.


Sam Kemble